Training Camp

Since yesterday all signs point towards the most important event of the season – the first day of rain. Temperatures dropped a bit, the (nearly) eternally blue sky has taken on a grayish hue and we are waiting… waiting…

Not to be caught unawares by this change we decided to accustom ourselves to the sound of splattering water drops – in short, we went into rain training camp and settled down with some coffee at the Shea Terrace at Loyola Marymount University.


Enjoying the sights and sounds of the water sculpture was made twice as sweet by the knowledge that LMU was selected as the 2008 Recycled Water Institutional Customer of the Year by the California WaterReuse Association. Water is “liquid gold” in drought-ridden California; those people at LMU are well aware of it by using sophisticated water-saving techniques and using reclaimed water for all their fountains on campus and for landscape watering.

So we got used again to the sound of falling water. Now the “real” stuff should make it’s first appearance.

2 thoughts on “Training Camp”

  1. Dan worked at LMU for several months and loved it. The IT department wanted to hire him permanently & he wanted to work there, but the higher ups cut the budget.

  2. Drat those budget cuts – and LMU seems to be one of the universities better off.

    But apart from that, yes, LMU is jaw-dropping impressive. We went there for a private viewing of the archaeological museum; it’s a tiny one, but the stuff they have there is not to be sniffed at.

    It is just a completely different experience to see something in cabinets or to be allowed to hold a bowl 5,000 years old or to yield a dagger which probably was put to good use in ancient Persia.

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