
I took this photo of the La Canada Flintridge fire yesterday from 40 m (64 km) away.


Since then the fire has increased to an area of over 35,000 acres (142 square km). Over 10,000 homes are threatened, some power lines are down, a number of communities are being evacuated.

The high heat does not help; temperatures have fallen from over 100 F, but the weather forecast predicts temperatures still in the high to middle 90s range for the next few days. More than 1,800 firefighters are up there, battling the flames, ten helicopters and eight air tankers are dropping water on the blaze, a DC-10 is unloading fire retardants in certain threatened areas.

Everyone is hoping for lower temperatures, more humidity and that the winds stay down. We all are following the reports and updates with knots in our stomachs.

Mind The Moose

Clifton’s Cafeteria looks so absolutely unremarkable from the outside that many probably don’t even give it a second look.


But should the adventurous city traveler step through the door to be met by this arrangement,


he or she might reconsider whether this is really your average cafeteria eating style place.

Walking up the staircase,


past some more bears engaged in slightly unusual activities,


one has a good view of the lower level eating area.


My personal favorite is the moose on the balcony.


Quite impressive, I must say. Judging from the size of the head, this was not a small animal at all. I probably would have given it a wide berth, had I come across it in the wild.

And there you have it – Clifton’s Cafeteria is certainly not unremarkable. It is not a fine dining place, but one of the last bastions of honest fare so dear to many who remember this kind of food from their childhood. I highly recommend it for breakfast, if one wants to attend events at the Convention Center, which is only a short stroll of a few blocks away.

All details of the history of this place, the last one left of several restaurants owned by the Clinton family in the Los Angeles area, can be found here. How long Clifton’s will survive is unsure – the family just put the building up for sale. What happens next – nobody knows.

Step Right In

This is a peek into some of the houses at the Heritage Square Museum I showed from the outside in the last post.

A cosy corner.


William Morris wallpaper, frieze and ceiling treatment; no proper Victorian house would have been complete without these imports from England.


A chandelier with colorful detail work.


This lamp might look a bit utilitarian in comparison, but it is interesting insofar as that it is a dual-power lamp – it is rigged for use with gas and electricity.


Not all of the houses have yet been finished inside. Most of the structures are still in the process of being restored. This invariably involves stripping the plaster, wallpaper and paint of decades to arrive at the original walls


and laths.


Yes, no drywall back then, just laths and plaster. Seeing this one can imagine why it takes so long until the interior of one of these house saved from the wrecking ball is restored to its former beauty.

The Bunny, The Frat House And The Hen

Once, on a flight to the US, I was so bored that I decided to watch a comedy on offer, “Legally Blonde.” About 10 minutes into the film I was giggling and enjoying myself hugely. Talk about East Coast / West Coast stereotypes and what a good script and a delightful main character can make out of that! One of my many favorite moments was the sequence where the West Coast girl turns up at a frat party dressed as a Playboy bunny, because she was told it was a costume party. Eek, bitchy East Coasters.

Anyway, we see our heroine walking up the steps of the frat house in her shiny satiny pink bunny outfit, fluffy tail, ears and all, stepping through this door:


Yes, and I stepped through this door too – but rest assured, not adorned in pink satin. This is the door to the Perry House at the Heritage Square Museum in Los Angeles. Filming was done here


and in the house next door, the Hale House.


The Heritage Square Museum is an example of how deeply some care about the history of Los Angeles and the architectural history of the US and to what lengths they go to preserve it for future generations. It is well worth a visit for anyone coming into town, whether as a tourist or to settle here. To get a peek into the houses, take the tour (weekends only).

Although it is a museum, some live there:


See, if bunnies can hop into houses, mother hens can parade their chicks around.They might not wear pink satin, but they do have fluffy backsides.

Don't Call It Lotus Festival Any Longer


For 31 years the Lotus Festival in Echo Park was one of the highlights of summer. Founded by an Asian community group, the festival took  place at Echo Park Lake with its abundance of lotus flowers in bloom, providing two days of fun in the park, with dragon boat races, music, food stalls and entertainment to visitors of all ages, genders and nationalities.

The lotus beds died first. By 2004 they started to look severely damaged, by 2007 only a few plants were left, which did not bloom in time for the festival. Speculations were rife – bad water quality, overall pollution, chemicals,  theft,  an unknown pest, but  no real reason for the death of the  lotus beds  was named. In 2008 all that was left were a few dead plants, a sad sight for those attending the festival which still took place.

This year marks the death of the Lotus Festival. It was canceled. No lotus, no festival, right? Part of the reason was also that the original organizers could not get the funds together for a festival at the former scale.  R.I.P. Lotus Festival.

The neighborhood Chamber of Commerce tried to put together a similar event, no longer called the “Lotus,” but the “Midsummer Festival,” which took place on June 11th.  Few visitors came; no wonder – without the lotus flowers and the dragon boat races the main attractions were gone.


Echo Park Lake is still a small oasis in the middle of a bustling and sometimes rather rough neighborhood. The City of Los Angeles is planning to refurbish the park next year. A replanting of a lotus bed is being discussed. All these plans are laudable, but I personally doubt that they will be put into effect; money is tight and other projects might have to come first.

I am afraid that the lotus blooms and the Lotus Festival will fall into the category of things to be remembered fondly and with quite a lot of sadness as something which was beautiful and is now gone.


The Door To The City

For years I tried to find a motif embodying the City of Los Angeles for me.

Finally I found it.


“Dance Door” by Robert Graham

The bronze sculpture, created by Graham in 1978, was donated to the Music Center in 1982 by Frederick and Marcia Weisman. For me this vista is Los Angeles at its best. The old (City Hall) framed within the new (modern art) creates a view of a sprawling municipality which combines, by use of frame, space and distance, a perfect relationship.

I found “my” view of the city. On the 4th of July weekend. Coincidence?

Downtown (Part IV) – St Vincent Court

Sometimes it is hard to give away the location of a place. One might reveal a secret to others who then come and take away what is so unique about this little hideaway. But with St Vincent Court I’ll make an exception.


The history behind this tiny little court is just so utterly fascinating. This is the site of the very first institution of higher learning in Southern California. In 1865 the Vincentian Fathers founded Saint Vincent’s College, which operated here from 1868 till 1887. Later it became Loyola University, still here in Los Angeles.

Then came another first – in 1907 the first Bullocks department store opened here. Yes, the first of John G. Bullocks’ department stores, of  that Mr. Bullocks who later constructed his temple to art and commerce on Wilshire which today houses another institute of learning.

With the deterioration of Downtown Bullocks also suffered and closed in the middle of the ’80s. Today the building houses mostly jewelry businesses inside, like most structures in the area. Just as an aside to the nifty shopper, apparently the quality of the gems offered here is quite up to par to those in other parts of the city, but at much more favorable prices.

When one is a bit tired from walking around Downtown, when the hustle and bustle and the noisy of people, cars and music gets a bit too much, then St Vincent Court is the place to retreat to. With every step down the quite uniquely decorated alley there is less noise; one only hears the murmur of people sitting at the sidewalk tables, the cooing of the odd pigeon, and the chink of cups of coffee or tea being set down on their saucers. The next sensual impact is the scent of food, not overwhelming, but oh so appetizing. Most of the cafes and bistros serve Middle Eastern cuisine of a fine quality. So one can have it all in St Vincent Court, which was declared a historical landmark in 1957: History, food, relaxation.

I hope that I will never have to regret giving away one of the most quaint little corners in Downtown. But then I really didn’t reveal the exact address – the interested wanderer will have to find it for him/herself.

Downtown (Part III) – Angels Flight


At the turn of the century (19th to 20th, that is) Bunker Hill in Downtown was what the English would call a “posh” area. It was not only a desirable living quarter, it also loomed above the lower parts of Downtown. The incline was (and is) short, but steep, which made people grumble just enough to let others see an entrepreneurial opportunity – and the Angels Flight was born.

Two cars, named Olivet and Sinai, transported people up and down Bunker Hill and saved them the terrible task of walking up the hill. Even when Downtown deteriorated, Angels Flight still ran and ran, beloved not only by those living there, but also by film makers. Amongst others these films have scenes where the funicular plays a part:

All Jazzed Up (1920)
The Impatient Maiden (1932)
The Unfaithful (1947)
Criss Cross (1948)
Hollow Triumph/The Scar (1948)
The Night Has A Thousand Eyes (1948)
Act Of Violence (1949)
Once A Thief (1950)
Southside 1-1000 (1950)
The Turning Point (1952)
The Glenn Miller Story (1953)
Cry Of The Hunted (1953)
Kiss Me Deadly (1955)
The Indestructible Man ( 1956)
The Exiles (1961)
Perry Mason “The Case Of The Twice-Told Twist” (1966)
The Money Trap (1966)
City of Angels (1998)

Then Angels Flight was dismantled in 1969. With the beginning of redevelopment of Bunker Hill from a run-down eye-sore to what it is today, it had to go. Fortunately it was not totally scrapped, but placed into storage; there it sat for 27 years, to be rebuilt and reopened half a block away from its original site in 1996. In October 2000 Angels Flight was added to the National Register of Historic Places.

In February 2001 a serious accident happened – Sinai when approaching the upper terminus reversed and collided with Olivet coming up the hill. One passenger was killed, several others were injured and Angels Flight was put out of commission again.

After lengthy investigations into the cause of the accident and an overhaul of the system the cars are back on the tracks again since the end of 2008. However, Angels Flight has not started to operate yet; hopefully, it will run again some time this year.

And nobody has ever corrected the strange spelling. But then, how can one – after all, it is a historic landmark, spelling mistakes and all.

Downtown (Part II) – Adaptive Re-Use

The former “Real” Downtown, today known as the Historic Core, starts at Hill street and stretches to the South. What was once (before WW II) the center of the city with company headquarters, banks, department stores, theaters, cinemas, apartment buildings, restaurants and bars, started to change in the ’50s. People packed up and moved to the suburbs, because life out there was cheaper, with more room for the kids in the backyard. The financial institutions all moved across Hill Street. Even though that was just a few blocks away, the impact was massive. Company headquarters too, moved to pastures new and cheaper in the outlying areas. The department stores, already on a shaky footing, lost more customers, because those now shopped in the suburbs.  Theaters and cinemas, likewise losing their clientèle,  changed their programs to entertainment not quite on the same level as during their heydays, they became grind houses . More people left to live in paradise (aka “the ‘burbs”) and the demographics changed – Latinos started to move downtown, taking over the emptying apartment buildings, the theaters and the cinemas, turning Downtown into the hopping center of  Latino entertainment. Which prompted the last few Anglos to flee.

The downward spiral moved faster and faster. Buildings started to crumble. Prostitution, drug dealing, street gangs became a huge problem. The Homeless lived on the streets. All this more or less killed all traditional commercial activities, which again drove everybody away who could afford it. The riots of 1992  spread all over the city; one of the centers of unrest was Parker Center, the LAPD headquarters downtown. The Northridge Earthquake of 1994 started another wave of flight from the city. By 1999 the official number of people still living in Downtown was 18,000, most of them Latinos and low-income. But those by then had created their own environment, with small shops and stores, very lively and bustling with people who called the area their home.

At that point City Hall moved. It created the Adaptive Re-Use Ordinance, which was again overhauled in 2003 and which started a complete change in the Historic Core by, basically, giving the area over to market forces, while hoping for the best.

The gamble paid off – in part, for some at least.

One has to explain what the Adaptive Re-Use Ordinance is: it is a carte blanche for developers to convert any existing structures in the Historic Core into living quarters and commercial space. Which is exactly what happened – suddenly more and more and more of the crumbling buildings were and are being restored to their former glory outside, and into fabulous apartments and lofts inside. Part of the Ordinance was that a certain percentage of the newly created living spaces were supposed to be affordable for low-income families.

An example – and one of the best ones – is the Eastern Columbia Building, a former clothing and furniture store built in 1930.


It has been restored impeccably with spectacular apartments inside and a roof garden with pool. The design above the front doors alone is breathtakingly beautiful.


Low-income renters however will hardly ever pass through those doors, says the cynic in me. Rumor has it that the provisions in the Ordinance governing this part can be handled quite “creatively.”

And there you have it – the Historic core is changing again. A new cycle is beginning, with those people formerly too poor to live in better areas being driven out yet again because they can not afford to stay downtown.

Which leaves me with the question – where will they go now?

Downtown (Part I) – Pershing Square

The layout of  Downtown Los Angeles needs a word of explanation: the area is basically split into two – the “old” and the “new” one. The new part is the one with the banks, the museums, the courts, the Civic Center; it is polished and quite impressive. It is also quite empty after 8 PM and on weekends, apart from the visitors to the museums and the Disney Concert Hall.

The city tried for years to re-enliven this side of Downtown. Sure, people live there; the apartments in the high-rises downtown are very nice and very modern, as they should be, being quite, quite expensive. But until two years ago there was not one single supermarket in the area. Not one! Then a Ralph’s moved in, a fact so spectacular that it was even mentioned in the local newspapers. So one gets the idea – this side of Downtown is more for the affluent, sans kids.

The divide between the “new” and the “old” is Hill Street, where one also finds Pershing Square. One can see the difference when one stands on a Saturday or Sunday on the corner of Hill and 5th Street (with Pershing Square to the left). Looking left – empty streets; looking right – teeming life.

What is happening down there will be shown later. Today – Pershing Square.

This park, covering exactly one square block, has changed names so often since the middle of the 19th century that one loses count. Finally, in 1918, the city named it in honor of General Pershing. When Downtown declined during the ‘50s due to the move out to the suburbs, the park followed suit and became such an eyesore that by 1984 – in time for the Summer Olympics – the city finally coughed up $1 million to fix the place at least temporarily.

Then, at the beginning of the ‘90s, the movement to re-enliven Downtown began. In 1992 Pershing Square was closed down and over the next two years the Mexican architect Ricardo Legorreta and landscape architect Laurie Olin gave the park a complete overhaul. This time the budget was over $14 million. The idea behind the renovation was to celebrate the roots of Los Angeles (which are Hispanic, as is well known); therefore Legorreta and Olin came up with a very, very modern take on a Spanish plaza. There are trees, there is water, there is art, places to rest, a concert stage plus a seasonal skating-rink; and as no decent Spanish plaza is without a church and a tower, there is also a tower. A purple one. Ten stories high.


The orange ball at the top of the tower is not a sign that this quite striking monument was sponsored by a certain bank. These orange balls are popping up at other places in Pershing Square. Why? How should I know? I assume that they were put there just to make people smile. Which certainly works for me.