Could this be the seal equivalent of a High Five?
If so, it is more than appropriate, because after nine years of the seals being an issue with the last five years spent on a lawsuit to evict them, they can stay. Hurray!
Yes, you too. Come on in!
On November 13th, Superior Court Judge Timothy B. Taylor issued a final order that the seals can stay. In his opinion the former rulings were fine at the time they were issued; but with legislation signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to allow the city of San Diego to turn the Cove into a seal sanctuary starting from January 1st 2010, Judge Taylor saw no need to chase the seals away for 1 1/2 months.
Nearly 10 years of struggle by many animal activists, lawyers, ordinary people and a sympathetic judge have paid off to keep this wonderful little window into marine wildlife open.
With the new pupping season starting at the end of November, all is well again at the Cove.
I’m so glad. I think seals are the coolest.
I can (and have) spend hours and hours there, just watching them. It never gets old!
They’re truly amazing!