At The Beach

Yes, it was time for us to go to the beach again, like every year on Christmas Day. As we did have a bit of rain (much needed and very welcome) and wind, we decided to go to a slightly more rugged place than the usual beaches in the hope to see some real waves. And real waves we did see, at the cliffs and breakers in San Pedro:


We were not the only ones having fun out there – the pelicans apparently had decided on a Christmas outing, too.


Afterwards we had some lunch. I assume the pelicans went and had some fish.

4 thoughts on “At The Beach”

  1. Lovely. I’m considering a trip out there for us in late Jan. for my husband’s birthday. If we do make it, it would be for a long weekend. I’ll let you know.

    I never see pelicans that I don’t think of my Aunt Brownie. She spent the last 30+ years of her life in Naples, FL, a gorgeous place. She always called them “pel-ee-cans”. I don’t know why.

  2. Well, it’s now unlikely we’ll get out there. Dan’s job comes to an end Jan. 30. If something else doesn’t come along by Feb. 15, he’s packing up and moving back here. He figured it was better to be broke here (with no rent) than out there, with lots more bills.

  3. Hmm, that’s sad. It would have been so nice to meet.

    But I see your son’s point – after all, SoCal is not exactly a cheap place to live.

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