Filming goes on in Los Angeles every day, not only in studios and on back lots, but everywhere in the city. It is part of life around here. Sometimes one feels a bit annoyed when whole streets are blocked off and one has to take a detour; but then again, the film industry is one of the major employers in town and many, many people live with and from it – not only the stars which tourists hope to see when they do their Hollywood/Universal City/Santa Monica trip to Los Angeles.
Anyway, filming is going on everywhere. Even in front yards. Often these small set-ups are students from USC, one of the most prestigious film schools in the country. This bunch here are senior students filming “The Blue Heron,” a 10 minute short.
Maybe in a few years one of them will get up at the Oscar ceremonies when the well-known sentence rings out: “And the winner is…”
Good luck!
Or they’ll just put stupid stuff on You Tube all the time.
Some of them put up nice stuff there. 🙂