Downtown Los Angeles is “terra icognita” for many people. They have heard about it, but most of the time only rather frightening tales. Images of the Hunt-Lenox Globe with its dire warning of “here be dragons” come to mind.

And you know what? They are right! There are strange beasts to be seen; maybe not quite dragons, but fierce enough – and definitely huge.

They seem to have divided up their territory rather nicely, because a more benign looking neighbor lives on the other side of the street.

And they can be seen all year round, not just on Halloween.

A Lovely Stroll In The Neighborhood

With the weather being a wee bit hot right now, it is easier to take a walk either early in the morning or towards evening, when it cools down a bit. Strolling through the quarter one sees lots of other people who enjoy the light evening breeze and the very special light just before sundown.

These two young gentlemen decided to sit outside on their lawn and ask anybody passing by to pose for a photo. Which we did. Then we took a snap of them and asked for permission to put them up on the blog. Which they gave.

Then we started chatting about wine and finally we wandered off again.

Typical for Los Angeles? I don’t know. But certainly for our neighborhood.


Early Evening Stroll

Weather-wise we have nothing to complain about, it’s basically one perfect summer’s day after the other. Especially wonderful are the mornings (for running) and the evenings (for walking).

One stroll to recommend leads past the Prospect Studios,

very much a part of “Old Hollywood” – old in the sense of “where it all began” – and then up Talmadge (yes, yes, named in honor of Norma):

On evenings and in surroundings like this, everybody wants to live in Los Angeles.