The story of the LA River is a long and varied one.
The good news is – what once was a river and then became a sewer in a concrete bed is (at least in parts) being reclaimed by Nature.
On a stroll yesterday along a 2 mile stretch there was not only the usual lot of mallards, killdeers, moorhens, geese and cinnamon teals to be seen (the black necked stilts live in and at another stretch of the river), but also a white and a great blue heron.
The white heron was very happily engaged with fishing his late lunch out of the water (I assume his lunch was less happy being fished out of the river), the great blue one did what great blue herons are best at: he stood on a rock, not moving one little bit, letting life and the river float by.
A perfect afternoon was had by everyone (apart from lunch, I suppose.)